Thursday, December 01, 2005

The Countdown begins........

Months of preparation are finally coming close to fruition - the marathoner in our home, is gearing up to a run coming Sunday.

Meanwhile, the marathoner's wife is busy preparing for the trip. A formidable list is already in place - months of procurement for the marathon are finally being put to use.

1) Running socks and running shoes!

2) The foot pod, the heart rate monitor and the watch to go with it

3) The Camel Pak

4) The ubiquitous energy gel packets that are strewn all over my house, thanks to my baby's interest in these packets - there are orange packets, brown packets and orange/brown packets!

5) The large GU20 box (Sriks you may do well to know that my mother has had her eye on that container to store her pickles. So December 5th evening, it may no longer contain what you think!)

6) The Gatorade bottles enough for a team of marathoners!
The Non-Marathoner's Guide to a Marathon (For last minute revision before the exam - *wink wink*)

7) Running Shorts and running t-shirt (Somebody please enlighten me why these running attires are always in a shiny, bright hue)

8) Sleeveless Jacket (The D-Day promises to be a cold morning)

9) Medical supplies - pain relievers, balms and the like

10) Walking shoes and Walking socks (Can one walk in Running shoes??)

One thing is for certain - my dear marathoner husband is going to miss all the food pampering that has been happening lately thanks to the Marathon. The specially prepared Potato fries and the extra dollop of lentils over steaming rice with ghee!! Enjoy on dear fellow!

Waiting to see you cruise through the marathon,

The Marathoner's Family


Manohar said...

I take objection to highlighting 'running shoes and running socks'. There is further evidence that this author has not innocent written that line- think for a second dear readers, if you and I had writtent that very same line, we would have said 'running shoes and socks'. No, this author couldn't resist the chance to throw some ripe tomatoes at our dear innocent running friend. She had to say- 'running shoes and *running* socks'.

The bitterness is obvious... and I repeat-- I take objection at this utter disregard by the non-running community to my fellow marathon runner.

Suresh Sankaralingam said...

Go Sri !

This is a great accomplishment and something that is really worth taking pride in. I am extremely happy for you !!

nourish-n-cherish said...

If you notice, I've mentioned walking shoes and walking socks as well. What is wrong with qualifying every object? **Innocent look on face**
Also, it got highlighted, since it contains a link to the previous article on the socks!