Monday, July 10, 2006

Jallikattu & Bullfighting

I guess every year around mid-January, you can safely stop by my house to hear profranities regarding Jallikattu.

"IDIOTS!" My father would proclaim before going on to give his annual lecture on the insanity of the sport that deliberately places a human being in harm's way. Why would non-suicidal folks deliberately stand in the way of an intoxicated bull?

At least in the past, there was a reason. The pricess's hand would be given to the brave man who could overcome a raging bull. So, it was either marriage or a brutal injury - men weighed the odds, and decided what to do. Today, there is no princess with gleaming hope waiting for her Prince charming to tame the bull. So the morbid choices are: injury, brutal injury or death.

Every year in Pamplona, Spain these very matadors display their prowess by taking on the bulls. Despite the gory nature of the sport, I am still fine with the bulls raging against the matadors (after all the matadors have made the choice that they are willing to be gored) But why not have arenas built for them, and have bulls only run around inside the arena? At least the sadistic crowds are not injured while the masochists take on the bulls?

All I can do is sigh every time another human-being is injured in this "game".


Manohar said...

My opinion here is, as far as the humans are considered (atleast from a bird's eye view), they knowingly put themselves in danger. That is pretty much like any other dangerous sport- boxing comes to mind.

But I'm yet to see a single bull put up its hand in fervour enthusiasm and volunteer to be butchered for the entertainment of the blood thirsty crowd.

I'm sure my view is very one sided, but somehow I'm not able to find pity for the men who injure these animals for sport.

nourish-n-cherish said...

I second you.....this article does not touch upon the animal's side of it at all, since that is a whole different topic, and one, in which mankinds cruelty is eminent with practically every species.

nourish-n-cherish said...

Saumya said...
Oh...I just read Dilbert blog on the same thing: check it out:

Archana Bahuguna said...

Seriously, I think these people are mad and people who go to watch it are madder (if there is a word like that)! Putting life to risk for fighting a bull! If they are so unafraid of death why don't they do something more noble? And the poor animal has no idea of what it is getting into. Height of violence!

Suresh Sankaralingam said...

I think cruelty is a relative term. As long as it is self inflicted, there is nothing to reason about other than to feel pity for the sufferers... People do get married, dont they..;)

Mano: Even mosquitoes dont put their hands up in fervour enthusiasm just to be crushed...:)

sdpal said...

Which channel are they showing this sport(!?) I missed it somehow. Can you tape it for me next time please ?
:-) just kidding.
Btw, do you have time to see this channels and feel pity for them ? Ignore maadi..

Manohar said...


I'm not really arguing about killing an animal. One knowingly/unkowingly will always kill animals to survive- whether one is a vegetarian or not.

The thing here is not survival- but sport. Ok, now don't start a tangent saying sport is needed for survival :)