Tuesday, October 10, 2006


I know why the US starts wars in far-off lands.

It is a place to groom future presidents.

X: I am going to contest the presidency
X's much older opponent Y: Which wars did you fight in huh? Come on you! Tell me which war you fought in?
X: None
Y: NONE!!!!
X: But...but there were no wars for me to go to.
Y: Well..too bad. There is no metric to measure your patriotism. I went for the War in Dracola Land. I know the pain and suffering and I would like to use this office to make the world a better place to live in. So you're out!


Archana Bahuguna said...

:-) That was funny, in an ironical way ...

Btw, without any shame or fear I can say that I hate Bush although I am careful around with folks; but I know ppl from here also hate him!

(ps: Left a comment on ur tag)

nourish-n-cherish said...

I am sure you have quite a club with similar thoughts! I am not a big fan either.