Monday, October 27, 2008

Happy Diwali

Diwali is a time to be happy with friends and family. I am delighted to say that I had a fantastic Diwali. We spent the week-end in the refreshing company of friends who have come to mean family, and children whose innocence and love is like having a pick-me-up tonic (when the day starts at least!).

I am glad to inform my readers that I did not make any sweets or for that matter any savoury. In fact, we had a lovely lunch with rasam and koottu (And no - no payasam either). It is not that I do not like sweets or "karam" - I like them. I just cannot see the rationale behind sweating for days on end standing in front of the stove, with aching legs to boot.

So far, everybody without an exception has wished me a Happy Diwali, and asked me what I made. The pressure to "make" something for Diwali is beginning to show on my tired brow. I did what my family likes best on Diwali - I had our friends over, and we had a fantastic dinner. We had my daughter's friends over and enjoyed the company of the kids, dancing and playing with them. It just did not involve sweets.

But I learnt an important lesson this Diwali - "I did not make any sweets at home" is not a satisfactory answer. After every call, I hung up with the implied disappointment voiced over my lack of "motherliness/domesticity" for not producing a sweet factory. It is the right thing to do, even if one particularly does not enjoy it. It is the right thing to do even if it means undoing your loved ones efforts at the gym over the past few weeks.

I am glad to say this though: I made us all some memories that would bring a smile any day.
Here is wishing you all a very Happy Diwali!


Archana Bahuguna said...

Following your last line :
And remember those memories will be "sweet" memories. So you kinda got done with the "sweetness" anyways :-).

Happy Diwali to you and your family!

Unknown said...

If Amma were to hear of this, you will have some listening to do all the way till next Diwali!!Last time I was forced to do a Rangoli outside the house because my little girl called and told her grandmother that ours was the only house without a Rangoli- and it was charted in a list unpardonable crimes!!!So I bought colour powders and we all spent a whole hour doing this....but it was very gratifying to see the smile on my daughter's face, I must admit...

nourish-n-cherish said...

Well .. that's my point. If not sweets, then rangoli. The end-point is getting a smile on the little one's face - doesn't matter how, does it :)

Archana said...

Happy Diwali :-)! Looks like you had an awesome time :-)!

sdpal said...

What you didnt make any sweets ? Oh man...!! Im very disappointed !
Atleast you couldve made some Kaarams atleast. (:-)
Anyhow seriously, the purpose of all these festivals are to teach the next generation on how to enjoy and be happy and you did that part. DOnt worry about anything..

nourish-n-cherish said...

Thanks sdpal....that comment was so meaningful.
"teach the next generation on how to enjoy and be happy" - sometimes the most fundamental things needs reminding.

BrainWaves said...

Part of teaching the next generation is following a pattern (ABAB pattern as Keena would like to say). For the previous generation that was making savories. Older we get, we forget the purpose and stick to the procedure alone.

As long as, we make our own pattern it is fine.