Monday, January 15, 2007

Happy Pongal!

I have to start this post out by stating that eating is not one of my daughter's preferred activities. We expend considerable ingenuity in getting her to eat her meals without making it seem like a drag for her. I sometimes wonder whether she has read the studies warning people against junk food, because she prefers to eat none of that either. I see children in her day-care center munching and snacking with relish, while my little one sticks to roaming around with a juice cup, whose level seldom diminishes.

For Pongal, I had made vadas and payasam. As is customary, I set it in front of God as an offering. Just before performing the minor ritual before the offering can be eaten by us, I noticed a tiny hand sampling each of the vadas with a nibble, and placing them back on the plate in an orderly fashion! Never had I seen her sample some food like that. To offer the cutely bitten vadas to God was at once satisfying and rewarding!

There is a reason we call children Gods!

Happy Pongal!


The Kid said...

karumbu ellam kadayadha ?

Happy pongal!

Survivor said...

I would love to see her nibbling anything....:-)

nourish-n-cherish said...

Thanks kid

Survivor, it was really cute. It was the high point in our day :) Amma was even ready to make some every other day, if she would eat!

Manohar said...

there is also a reason why we call them devils !!! :)

sdpal said...

Thats really cute. (Btw, did she like it?)