Monday, November 27, 2006


I am told it is a tradition. Somehow the news of Bush releasing 2 thanksgiving turkeys the day before Thanksgiving makes me really sad. Not for the fact that the turkeys can now live, but for the fact that when sitting down for Thanksgiving dinner the next day, you can visualise that it is remarkably similar to the birds that took flight yesterday.

I try to rationalize that when people are served processed meat, they are not thinking about the animal in question. Fair enough: how often do we think of the condition of the cows when drinking milk? Had we lived on the farm, and Bessie the cow was not feeling well, or wanted a walk instead of giving milk, we might have let Bessie out on the pastures before approaching her when she feels like giving milk. In the store, there is just reduced fat, lowfat and whole milk. Bessie might have been sleeping when the milk was taken from her - but, we don't know that, and that absolves us of waking a cow deep in slumber.

So now my question comes back to relating the animal to the meat on the table. Do people do that, and when they do, does it trouble them or not? I am just trying to think of the meat-eating thought process here. Any insights are welcome. My vegetarianism from birth has endowed me with only 1 view.


The Kid said...

I have tried to absolve from eggs .. because whenever I realize that an offspring has been killed on my behalf... I cannot continue to eat.

With milk and milk products I do not think about it that often... I think it is because my pizza is is too delicious to be distracted by a cow. Seriously.

Anonymous said...

I think it is just an insensitivity you develop by habit specially if one is non veg from the start. I am a vegetarian by birth and family :-) and frankly speaking am one of those types who "cannot" have meat at all, because immediately i can imagine a dead or killed animal. Recently though I realised that my moral reasons for being vegetarian stand high only on the belief that plants dont feel. Because if it is about killing then we are killing the plants as well and do we know "for sure" that they dont feel? I am stuck on that question these days. If someone proves to me one day that they feel hurt, I think I would just have to die :-( or become a non veggie!

nourish-n-cherish said...

This is a blog in which I am a member, and I had posted the same blog there. Thought it would be interesting for you to see the comments there.