Friday, March 09, 2007

Lazy Block

Whenever I am particularly lethargic about blogging, I like to think that I suffer from a writers block. But I am not a writer.

I could call it a Pianist block,(I like to think that the effects of my work are similar to the musical effects of a piano concerto - I was never told dreaming is wrong!) but I have never stepped within a furlong of a piano without disastrous consequences.

So I could just simply call it a Lazy block. Now that would make "Lazy" my profession. So when folks come up to me, and ask me what I do for a living, I could say:

"I work as a lazy"

That is one sentence I'd like to throw around the English speaking populace and gauge their degree of recoil. That would give me subject for more blogging - Ha!

Last year: same time A story of ...
Happy Women's Day!


Survivor said...

It is also called "blogstipation" :-)

Archana Bahuguna said...

I feel I am suffering from the same. And its not just resricted to blogging but to everything else too. Sometimes I justify myself by saying that if God has given me some "idle" time, I as well "make use" of it, there is a bright chance these idle days may never come again ;-). But secretly I know I am guilty. :-D

nourish-n-cherish said...

And it is not just us Archana......apparently worldwide blogging came down to 1.3 m/billion artices from 1.6 m/billion articles. So, we are just part of a trend.